Article VI, Section 5 of the FCU Bylaws
A regular meeting of the board must be held each month at the time and place fixed by resolution of the board. One regular meeting each calendar year must be conducted in person. If a quorum is present in person for the annual in person meeting, the remaining board members may participate using audio or video teleconference methods. The other regular meetings may be conducted using audio or video teleconference methods. The chair, or in the chair’s absence the ranking vice chair, may call a special meeting for the board at any time and must do so upon written request of a majority of the directors then holding office. Unless the board prescribes otherwise, the chair, or in the chair’s absence the ranking vice chair, will fix the time and place of special meetings. Notice of all meetings will be given in such manner as the board may from time to time by resolution prescribe. Special meetings may be conducted using audio or video teleconference methods.
Article VI, Section 4 of the FCU Bylaws
Any vacancy on the board, credit committee, if applicable, or supervisory committee will be filled within a reasonable by a vote of a majority of the directors then holding office. Directors and credit committee members so appointed will hold office only until the next annual meeting, at which any unexpired terms will be filled by vote of the members, and until the qualification of their successors. Members of the supervisory committee co appointed will hold office until the first regular meeting of the board following the next annual meeting of members, at which the regular term expires, and until the appointment and qualification of their successors.
Article XVI, Section 7 of the FCU Bylaws
Members must keep the credit union informed of their current address.
Article V, Section 4 of the FCU Bylaws
Members cannot vote by proxy, but a member other than a natural person may vote through an agent designated in writing for the purpose. A trustee, or other person acting in a representative capacity, is not, as such, entitled to vote.
[Note that the language prohibiting trustee voting has been deleted in the proposed bylaw revisions issued for comment July 15, 2005, but the prohibition on proxy voting will remain.]
Article XVII, Section 1 of the FCU Bylaws
Amendments of these bylaws may be adopted and amendments of the charter requested by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the authorized number of members of the board at any duly held meeting of the board if the members of the board have bee given prior written notice of the meeting and the notice has contained a copy of the proposed amendment or amendments. No amendment of these bylaws or of the charter may become effective, however, until approved in writing by the NCUA Board.
[Note: if a credit union is switching election procedure and is using one of the options provided in the form bylaws with no changes, NCUA’s written approval would not be required.]