Dear Boards of Directors and Chief Executive Officers:
The NCUA Board unanimously approved the agency’s 2025 operating and capital budgets at its December 2024 meeting. As a result of that decision and other factors, federal credit union operating fees will decrease by an average of approximately 1.2 percent in 2025.
Additionally, the operating fee exemption threshold was increased from $2 million to $2.08 million. Federal credit unions with a four-quarter average of $2.08 million or less in total assets are exempt from the operating fee.
The decrease in the 2025 operating fee reflects that the NCUA’s annual budget growth for 2025 is only 2.4 percent, while assets at federal credit unions grew by 3.94 percent.1 The operating fee rates required to finance the NCUA budget are therefore lower than last year.2
Enclosed is the 2025 Operating Fee Schedule. The enclosure includes a web link to the NCUA’s online operating fee calculator that you can use if you would like to calculate your credit union’s 2025 operating fee. The NCUA will provide individual invoices in March 2025 with the specific dollar amount for your credit union’s 2025 operating fee. The due date for any net amount owed on the invoice is Friday, April 18, 2025.
Below is some additional information about the 2025 operating fee, National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) capitalization deposit adjustment, and payment options.
Why was the exemption threshold changed in 2025?
The exemption threshold was adjusted by the average asset growth rate across federal credit unions as of September 30, 2024. The NCUA Board unanimously approved the new operating fee methodology at its December 2023 meeting, including an annual adjustment of the exemption threshold. The operating fee exemption was adjusted to keep pace with system growth, which provides relief to the smallest federal credit unions.Federal credit unions with a four-quarter average of $2.08 million or less in total assets are exempt from the operating fee.
How are total assets calculated for the federal credit union operating fee?
Your federal credit union’s 2025 operating fee will be based on a four-quarter average of total assets reported as of September 30, 2024; June 30, 2024; March 31, 2024; and December 31, 2023.
What is the timeline for the 2025 operating fee and NCUSIF capitalization deposit invoice?
In March 2025 the NCUA will send federal credit unions a combined (single) invoice for the 2025 operating fee and the NCUSIF capitalization deposit adjustment. Any payment required is due no later than April 18, 2025. Please note, even though your credit union may be exempt from paying the 2025 operating fee, your credit union may need to make a payment if your NCUSIF capitalization deposit needs to increase. All NCUA-insured credit unions must maintain their NCUSIF capitalization deposits at one percent of insured shares. Therefore, your credit union’s March 2025 invoice will include the NCUSIF capitalization deposit adjustment based on insured shares reported as of December 31, 2024.
How do I make the payment to the NCUA?
You are encouraged to participate in the direct debit program. To enroll, please complete the Authorized Electronic Transfer Payments form, which can be found on, and email the form to Once enrolled, you will continue to receive invoices by mail. Payments will be drafted automatically on the due date; no further action is required. If you do not participate with the direct debit program, you must submit payments to the NCUA in accordance with the instructions provided with the invoice and no later than April 18, 2025.
How does the Overhead Transfer Rate (OTR) affect the Operating Fee?
The 2025 OTR is 61.7 percent, the same as 2024. Each year, the NCUA uses the OTR to determine how much of the NCUA’s operating budget is funded by the NCUSIF. The OTR is derived from the NCUA’s resources used for insurance-related functions. Additional discussion of the OTR and detailed information about the NCUA budget are available on the Budget and Supplementary Materials page on
If you have any questions about your credit union’s operating fee, please contact the NCUA’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer at
Kyle Hauptman
1 Based on the average of reported assets for the four quarters ending on September 30, 2024, compared to the average of reported assets for the four quarters ending on September 30, 2023.
2 The growth of combined operating and capital budgets from 2024 to 2025 is 2.4 percent. To preserve the relative relationship of the operating fees paid by federal credit unions with different levels of reported assets, the range for each operating fee tier has been adjusted by the computed growth in federal credit union total assets, net of all reported Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, using the average of the same four quarters’ Call Report data used to compute your credit union’s operating fee. You can see the new asset ranges to the right of the adjusted fee rates on the enclosed chart.